Qube3 の CPU cooling monitor
July, 2001 was so hot summer in Japan.
Mr. Konai (konai@kobe-u.ac.jp) had monitored the temperature of his
Qube3 CPU and office room. See the graph;
Sometime the value is missing but anyway the diferrences between
CPU and air is 10 degree of centigrade constantly.
It is the result of the cooling system was working correctly enough.
Well, not too small room and Qube3 keep the air breathed space,
it is no problem the 30 degree of centigrade room.
In detail,
- It was the thursday that the first day of this graph, 5th July 2001.
The air conditioner had been stopped at 18:00 PM then the temperature
grow to 30 degree and keeped.
- The next day, 6th July was Friday. The air conditioner started
8:00 AM and the room temperature had been going down to arrond 25 degree.
- And this time also after the turning off the air conditioner,
the temperature was up but not reached to 30 degree.
- Next 7th July was Saturday. No one turned on the air conditioner.
The temperature increased gradually but the top of CPU temperature
was arround 40 degree, so the room temperature also arround 30.
At normal office or home, the temperature will not over 30 degree of
centigrade, it is enough for Qube3.
But as you can see, we have less sample.
Please test your environment and send a report to us.
1 October 2001.
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