Users Request Survey

March 1999, We asked to Users Group Mailing list members about the request to Cobalt.
The result, so much people want an ermergency boot method and the method to initialize and back to the factory setup. It is over bind and sendmail security fix.

Register Form


We made a following list and answerer can select 3 high priority things.


  1. bind security fix
  2. sendmail security fix
  3. ftpd security fix
  4. apache version up
  5. SSL management
  6. SSH accessibility

    Add feature

  7. perl version up
  8. Websearch by Japanese
  9. I want squid
  10. SCSI for 2700
  11. UPS support
  12. emergency boot method
  13. reset to factory setup
  14. RAID extension


  15. more detail manual
  16. correct wrong Japanese menu


  17. more mentenance service else send back


We got 23 replys.
End User without Unix experience   6
End User with Unix experience     10
Re-seller                          9



  1. Counts of proority answer
  2. Comment list from answerer

  3. Answer raw data of priority parts

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All rights are reserved.