Powered by Cobalt ICON

This icon means the Web server that has this icon on the top page is built by Cobalt's microserver.
If your site is also powered by Cobalt, please show it.

The following icon image was donated to Cobalt Users Group. The copyright was still keeping by the author but you can use it freely. These icons are Thanksware. (You can use or copy Thanksware without any fee if you have a thanksful heart to the original creator.)

[Powered by Cobalt]

This one is made by Tatsuya Nishimoto. (a30mt692@bb.mbn.or.jp)

If you have some good icon for our thanksware, please contact to usersgroup@cobaltqube.org.

You can make a link freely to this page (http://cobaltqube.org/powered-j.html) when you use the above icons. Followings are the sample HTML for link to this page. (Of course you don't have to do so.)

<A HREF="http://cobaltqube.org/powered.html">
<IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="[Powered By Cobalt]" BORDER=0 SRC="powered01.gif">

Attention please

When you use our icon image, please copy the icon file to your site for traffic cut down.
Cobalt Users Group Staff (usersgroup@cobaltqube.org)