The 1st Meeting in Tokyo

Cobalt Users Group

4 June 1998 At Tokyo Royal Park hotel. We had interview session with Desa Zraick (International Sales Manager, Cobalt Networks, Inc.)

Members at the time. (at the photo, from let to right)
  1. Hiroyuki Tsutsumi (
  2. Yutaka Yasuda (
  3. Hirokazu Nakauchi (
  4. Desa Zraick (
  5. Shinzo Maruo (
  6. Masakazu Matsuura (
We discussed much about the Cobalt products. So happy meeting. And then, this would be the first and memorial meeting of our users group.
Followings are the digest of interview. And we also propose some our ideas. She answered for us that some idea will investigate.

When we let her know we are all the fan of Cobalt and we plan to make a users group, she is delighted and said "let me know when you made it, I will send one Qube for you". She also said we are approved as official users group.
Thanks a lot!

Therefore, we are taking off the plan of users group.


Maruo-san of Internet Security explained about his firewall crack contest with much prize. And he told to her that please try it, then she said she will tell it to David (Linux Guru, kernel writer of Cobalt).
What will happen?

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