Linux Conference 98 Booth Exhibit

18 December 1998, We, Cobalt Users Group made a booth for Linux Conference in Takaragaike Lake in Kyoto, JAPAN.
This conference is one of the Internet Week event. Of course a tons of Linux community persons visited. This is the reason why we presented Cobalt.

Our Users Group girls with Mr. Stallman.
pic00021.jpg Before pic00022.jpg Making
pic00025.jpg She also setuped R0100040.jpg NOREN (Japanese traditional title) setuped pic00027.jpg Completed

R0100074.jpg Many people had come to conference

pic00026.jpg R0100033.jpg R0100034.jpg R0100029.jpg the scene of the booth

pic00029.jpg pic00030.jpg pic00032.jpg R0100043.jpg GEISYA girls had come

R0100041.jpg R0100048.jpg R0100058.jpg R0100068.jpg R0100069.jpg the scene after

pic00023.jpg Ms. Yoshida (technical writer) found her Qube

R0100052.jpg pic00037.jpg R0100030.jpg Special Qubes

R0100027.jpg R0100056.jpg This booth is NISSHO Electronics one. Of course they were serious.

pic00038.jpg pic00040.jpg The party scene

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